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me as a powerpuff girl

i'm back

11.12.00 - 9:35 pm

OK, so I haven't updated in like a month but since I am the only one who reads this, it doesn't really matter. Maybe I should tell Bassett about it at least. Hmm. Anyway, what has happened since last time?

Well, yesterday I had the stomach flu. I threw up for 4 hours straight and then it was all over. I have been vacillating between loving grad school and hating it, mostly hating it because of stupid beat reporting and being the pointless, stupid, and horribly bad parks and rec writer. It is quite depressing, actually.

I've been crying a lot more than usual but it just might be that old time of the month. Or leftover nostalgia from being back at Bucknell. Oh, I still am in love with my gay best friend. It is so wrong. I keep thinking that eventually he'll come aroung and realize that we're perfect for each other but alas, he is the lion fag after all and has that name for a reason. I can't wait to get those pictures back.

I really really miss being at Bucknell. It was so easy not to have the responsibility, Friday afternoon downtime and when you knew what you were doing every weekend, to be with your friends always - in Hunt, in our houses - and now I'm in this absolutely wonderful city with no one really to share it with. Don't get me wrong, Cara and Kayleen are awesome wonderful people but it's not like I've known them inside and out for 3 years. Even when Beth is being her irrational self I would still do anything for her because I know that's just how she is. I always say how I can go anywhere and do anything, just leave it behind, but this is something I'm having a hard time letting go of. Oh, that was a grammatically incorrect sentence. I should study.

Good quote from Howie Day:

every night is disco night

with you i'm living every moment for you

Oh my, he is hot. And has anyone else noticed how Robbie Williams looks a damn lot like my gay best friend?

the night before - the morning after

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