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me as a powerpuff girl


11.27.00 - 5:45 am (yes, AM)

You walk your lover (friend? with benefits? that you suddenly had sex with last night for god knows what reason but it was pretty good, or you think it was but since it's still kind-of-drunk time, it made the morning talk less awkward) to the elevator and as you return to the room, "A Day in the Life" plays. It's a moment that is at once fitting and incredibly sad.

All alone in 13 feet of space. Where did it go?

I remember those mornings when I would walk to my car at Duquesne at 6 in the morning. I was too happy and smart to drive back to Bucknell at 9 at night. The buzzing isolation of the tennis court fluorescent lights, the small sadness in packing my car...crying every time I drove down Forbes Ave. to Oakland and then to the Parkway.

the night before - the morning after

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