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me as a powerpuff girl

taillights fade

12.03.00 - noonish

Hooray hooray, going to see Buffalo Tom at Metro tonite! Never actually been to Metro but I imagine it to be some dank, post-industrial Metropol-like space (probably since that's where most of my concert experiences took place). It's been so long since I've been to a great show....

I haven't seen Buffalo Tom since I was in high school, when I snuck out and drove to Pittsburgh and told my mom I was at Denny's or something. We used to go all the time - how many concerts did I see before I even hit 20? How about seeing Live for my 14th birthday at the Upstage - or the Attic - something upstairs in Oakland that I can't remember. And I thought I was so cool, wearing my pseudo-military boots and I PEGGED my JEANS! Oh god. The college kids must've wondered why my 10-year-old sister and I were there.

Now I sit here and listen to the same old shit but am rarely inspired by anything new coming out. I don't even know the last time I busted out some R.E.M. I'm still completely obsessed with music, I just don't know what purpose it's serving. I definitely listen to the radio more than ever. I guess I've been completely consumed by the pop culture demon.

But yay, Buffalo Tom! Maybe I should bust out some of my old punk rock clothing just for old times sake.

the night before - the morning after

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