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me as a powerpuff girl

the only living boy in New York

08.31.01 - 8:20 p.m.

My roommate left for home without leaving a rent check. My former best friend is applying for the same job as me. My boyfriend is a slave to an evil editor when he should be a love slave to me. What gods have I pissed off this time?

None of this is as bad as it seems, but on a windy Friday evening when you're all alone in the house again and you realize it's very quickly becoming fall, when you've missed half the summer and it's not so much an option to put on jeans anymore, seems is what's all that counts.

It's the kind of evening where I need a fire, a well-lit room and a blanket to snuggle up in as I read a good book, and I only have half these things. I've got the blanket and the book but no cozy fireplace living room, only my same bedroom four walls and the empty living room with lighting my moom referred to as institutional or something. It is rather glaring, I must admit.

So it will have to be cocoa, band geek pj pants and The Blind Assassin in bed tonight, with perhaps a nice viewing of Notting Hill or Silence of the Lambs, depending on my mood getting better or worse. The perverse, self-pitying side of me is hoping for worse.

Hooray for fucking fun on Labor Day weekend holiday.

the night before - the morning after

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