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me as a powerpuff girl

everything I wanted to say in real life

09.10.01 - 10:12 p.m.

I had a dream last night that I was in some sort of journalism class downtown, although the trains I took to get there were some sort of weird combination of the El and NJ Transit. Hmmmm. Anyway, in one of my classes (which looked nothing like our real classrooms) where we were doing this word jumble exercise, there was a message from Jason on the blackboard telling me how sorry he was and that he wanted to get in touch with me. From what I can figure, he had just returned from Minneapolis and this was the only way he knew how to find me.

So we make our way to Jason's house (we being me and Kiran, this guy I knew from Bucknell) which has a lot of odd stairwells and might have actually been behind this school. And we're inside and Jason's not and suddenly he comes home with his new girlfriend Leslie. And they're painting each other up like superheroes and I'm either hiding or trying to act all friendly and cool, I can't remember which, when suddenly I start screaming at him and attacking him and telling him how he completely fucked me over and he should be sorry and tell me so and I would never think of even wanting him again because I have a great, great guy and I hope he and Leslie are very happy but he should just realize what he did and apologize for it.

And basically in the dream I said everything I wanted to say in real life, and he did express regret and I yelled at him some more, and then Kiran and I jumped into my old beloved Brak, which was still alive in the dream (hooray!) and drove off in the snow.

the night before - the morning after

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