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me as a powerpuff girl

the couch is my friend

10.25.01 - 1:20 p.m.

(Well, after accidentally adding this entry to Dan's diary instead of mine, let's try this again....)

Eep! I must quickly write an entry before my MAN comes home and forces me to be his love slave for hours and hours. Or until the cat wants food or something.

It's just too bad that I have nothing to write. I complain about not having a routine but each day just drags on as pointlessly as the next. Yesterday we did have some fun visiting more ED sites but he had a cold and I was mentally exhausted so what kind of a pair are we? I made myself sick on too much food and couldn't even muster the strength to drive, so now I'll have to take the train back tomorrow morning, my own decision, I know. And even though I passed out cold for an hour before the watching of ED, I still wanted to sleep around midnight. What is wrong with me? I have some perverse form of mono or something.

So. Tomorrow it's another interview/appointment/I don't even know what you call it at the entertainment temp agency, and the CRM people haven't called back yet, for which I am sort of grateful because I want to see what Martha Stewart lady says before I commit to anything. I should be happy to commit to something, and I would if they offered it to me, but I have a feeling I'd be happier in the end if they just let me play with Quark all day.

I have determined that I will only be taking 4 more showers in the communal (Justine, Kerry, me) shower before I get my own. Hooray! I am so impatient for a room of my own I want to beat people. Senselessly and with my shoe. Grrrr. I am a seething ball of destructo force. Maybe that's where all my energy is going. Must refocus, must bake cookies or something to compensate. Yes. Food is a refuge.

the night before - the morning after

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