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some buffy resolution

05.22.02 - 2:43 p.m.

THANK YOU, Mutant Enemy, for addressing all my concerns about Dawn in last night's season finale. Hooray for Fighting Dawnie, decapitating scary Earth Monsters just like her big sis. Maybe this could have been accomplished earlier if she would have stopped shrieking "Buffy!" like a damsel in distress every time something attacked instead of just grabbing a damn sword herself. But better late than never, n'est-ce pas? I'll stop nitpicking and start exerting all my hopeful energies on a more upbeat Season Seven.

Though I must admit I cried like a baby when Giles walked in the door. "You cut your hair," he said. Awwww.

Dan and I should go to Paris. We should go to San Francisco. We should go far far away and just enjoy it, credit cards be damned.

the night before - the morning after

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