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me as a powerpuff girl

my last day!

06.14.02 - 6:32 p.m.

Evan just said, "That was the best party EVER." He's SpongeBob SquarePants! We had cheesecake with strawberries (what is it with Jack and strawberries? Is this another latent Strawberry Shortcake thing?) and watched Elimidate and Cheaters. Somehow, for the very first time, we escaped the Awkward Brownie Party syndrome. I win!

But Evan was very upset we didn't get to see the Cheaters episode with "the Tackle." Whatever that was. He watches the worst TV.

And three people - senior execs, no less - tried to talk me into staying as our marketing consultant's assistant, on my very last day EVER they try to spring it on me, like I'm going to quit the new job and stick around. Um, no.

But it's my last day and we're going out for crab rangoon and drinkies. In an hour. Alison made me cry and Cary saw it, and he seemed very sad and gave me a big hug. Wish I would have felt more appreciated before these last two weeks.

And on Monday I will find my new cubicle and possibly put up the bunny suit picture. That is all.

the night before - the morning after

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