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me as a powerpuff girl

road trip part three: greensburg!

07.17.02 - 7:39 p.m.

My baby does my laundry for me. Only after I've made him a detailed list of what is to go in the dryer and for how long and to wash everything on the gentle cycle etc. etc. etc., but he still does it. Yet another reason why I love his fine ass.

Another random thought: I was pulling my sourdough bread out of the toaster yesterday morning and the instant I smelled it, I was immediately back in the kitchen of the Den the summer before senior year, making my morning toast before heading off to work at the art gallery. How can smells DO that to you? I didn't even remember how much sourdough I ate that summer. It must have been a staple though, along with the green beans and the pasta and all the other novice cooking delicacies. "Pasteurizing feta cheese and beating the fuck out of me!" Sigh. I miss that time.

Final random thought: I love the bats in the Nine Ways to Fight Evil at Teatime art! Even more so, I love the comments people made about them on the forums and must put them here for posterity.

Tooting Bec - The bat on the right has an air of self-satisfaction that I find very winning.
Toom - "I have a square wing, but boy do those ladies love me!"

BWAH HA HA HA HA! OK, now back to the regularly scheduled program.

We arrived in Greensburg on Sunday after a protracted Dad Breakfast and a visit to my little Bassie at her place of employment, where she wears a cute tie and is generally cute all around at serving hotel guests. Moomy was typically all, "Where were you?" but then overfed us with her moomy salad and we went off to The Fabulous and Cute and Exciting Powerpuff Girls Movie.

OK, it was actually a little bit dark and overexpository, more like Babe: Pig in the City than the original, beloved Babe, but it was good enough for me. We have decided that Dan is the Professor because of his wholesome demeanor. My moomy purchased Powerpuff car mats for the occasion. Which I nearly scooped up myself at Tar-zhay the other night but then thought better of it, as I have to get my slut pills and $19.95 goes a long way when you're below the poverty line.

Hoo. After the movie we went to the Third Circle of Hell, also known as the Twin Lakes Arts and Crafts Fair. I don't know if they have these sorts of things outside western PA, but they're damn scary. Lots of country stuff, and whittled stuff, and tie-dye stuff, and all the people who like those things milling around looking at them. I mentioned to Moom that Dan liked fudge, so she fixated on finding him some and luckily there was a booth beside the Peruvian flutists in the Happy Fairy Woods. Then I had to pee. And bugs were biting. So we finally, FINALLY left (but only after we took a picture by the stagnant lake) and went to BW3.

And we ate wings and buffalo chips! And introduced Moomy to Trivia! And it was a splendid fun little time, and then Moomy took us home and we looked at baby pictures of me after I thwarted their evil evil attempts to play the Little Mermaid home video (no, not the real Disney animated one - me. In a bikini top. Singing along with the soundtrack. When I was in 6th grade. See why I don't let anyone watch it?). And then we went to bed.

I don't know if I can make it through this thing chronologically. My head hurts. And we haven't even crossed time zones yet. Perhaps tomorrow (or later, if I recover) I'll skip ahead to a condensed version of Chicago, since that's not nearly as interesting as my strange family get-togethers. I hope I can make it through.

the night before - the morning after

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