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me as a powerpuff girl

the twinge that is not quite regret

08.20.02 - 10:25 a.m.

So, Ryan's getting married. I read it in the alumni magazine and felt that twinge. You know, the one you're not supposed to feel, the one that always happens when you find out someone you once loved so so much has chosen someone else. I didn't expect to feel it and it's not like I'm even remotely heartbroken over the fact - if I never saw him again it would be no skin off my back, all our meetings were filled with awkward smiles and messy hookups anyway - but you feel that old sense of loss just the same.

That's why you put wedding announcements in print - to give all those unknown others that twinge, to say, "Ha, see, look what I've got. Remember him? He's all mine."

Well, she can have him, whoever she is.

Anyway. The rest of my grey Tuesday morning awaits, and....heh. Now Levi's makes low-rise jeans for men. The better to show off your beer gut, my dear.

the night before - the morning after

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