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Most Pointless Entry Ever (I am drunk again)

09.13.02 - 10:15 p.m.

Hairy Burt Reynolds. Quite possibly, though I don't know how it could be so, but quite possibly worse than hairy Alec Baldwin. And that's saying a lot.

Dan and I have sangria. That took over an hour to make. And it is so tasty. With fresh organic fruit because I'm lazy enough that I'd rather walk to Whole Foods than drive to the Pathmark, and a cheap Cab because I'm anal enough that I'd rather drive to the liquor store and get a $5 bottle than use one of my good expensive ones.

I was going to start describing the frittata I ate for dinner next until I realized this is quickly becoming the Most Pointless Entry Ever. Suffice to say it was tasty and contained more peas than eggs. I tend to over-pea my food.

Dan and I have been outed as the Company Couple. This makes me laugh and cringe at the same time. But he is cute.

"Mucho Muchacho es muy guapo!"

the night before - the morning after

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