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they GOT the mustard OUT!

09.26.02 - 6:10 p.m.

FLEEP! The Buffy musical soundtrack! And a new apartment. And a present for my excellent seestor. And an episode of Ed that I can only hope shows a return to first-season glory. I'm doing a fucking jig.

On the other hand, I can't go to the optometrist until Tuesday, and I'm rewriting a sidebar and interviewing more experts due to the vagueness of my lovely editors. Not that I can fault the optometrist, because he's going to the Stones concert tonight, and writing more just means greater experience and increased clout for me here. But it's so meh just the same.

I should be proud of myself for even MAKING the eye appointment. Seeing tiny rips in the edge of my contact lens is a good motivator for stuff like that.

But can I say one thing about last night's Ed episode? Yeah, nice to have the theme song back, REAL nice, in fact. Nice to see characters not so mopey, even nice the way they played the Kenny/Eli transition. (Gonna miss you, Mr. Starr.) But, um? Are they ever going to EXPLAIN Mike's gambling addiction? Or are they just going to gloss that over, much like his CRACK-SMOKING HABIT? Just a question.

the night before - the morning after

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