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the unhappiest place in America!

10.03.02 - 5:33 p.m.

Ever have one of those moments where you feel like cranking the volume on your computer, jumping up from your desk and wildly thrashing to Jack Black's version of "Let's Get it On" that is blaring out to your cubicle farm?

Well. I do, anyway.

Oh, and this survey confirms every miserable suspicion I've had about Johnstown. We are officially the unhappiest city in America! Woooo! Perhaps that should replace "safe, healthy and clean" on our Welcome to Johnstown signs.

People think I'm kidding about that dark cloud of boredom that sits over the town, but I'm not.

This is a real gyp of an entry, especially since I'm going away for the weekend, but tough. Maybe I'll update while Bassett does her hostess thang on Saturday. Or maybe I will wander the streets of Lancaster, sad and alone.

Or maybe I will hang at Turkey Hill like Dave Sheridan in Ghost World.

the night before - the morning after

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