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me as a powerpuff girl

what I can remember from two days of hardcore moving

11.04.02 - 5:49 p.m.

Post-Halloween leftover office candy consumption: one Mary Jane, one Fifth Avenue bar, one package of gummy Lifesavers, two packets of mini M&Ms and one hideous caramel apple candy corn. I'd have more but I know there are peanut butter balls and mint Oreos waiting for me at home.

Ah, home. New home. Incredibly kickass home with more room than I can shake a stick at. It's going to be rather difficult to move into the city after living in a place with three bedrooms of roomy goodness. The first thing I did, apart from necessities such as carving out bed space and putting perishables in the fridge, was organize my closets into summer and winter clothing and free my shoes from their cardboard prison. I currently have 42 pairs, just for the record. I thought I had more.

And somehow I shrank the shower curtain but we won't talk about that right now.

Two-thirds of our kitchenware cupboard space is occupied by glassware. There's one little shelf of plates and bowls and two shelves of juice glasses, pilsners, wineglasses (both red and white), pint glasses, margarita glasses, one sad martini glass without a partner (yes, my fault), mugs and my beloved Williams-Sonoma Harvest Market Glasses. When one of them breaks, as is bound to happen with a clumsy fool like me, I will probably cry.

(Zyliss now makes a mandoline for the rather affordable price of $49.95. The Williams-Sonoma version goes for $169. Now that's probably because the Williams-Sonoma one is prettier and stainless steel, while the Zyliss has plastic components, but it's still not a bad deal. Oh, and a mandoline is basically a glorified veggie slicer, in case you're wondering, but it can make a mean french fry. It's French! What did you expect?)

I named the rolly cart Alfredo because it looked like it should have a name after all these years of loyal service, and our coffee table is Leksvik because that's what IKEA told us it should be. IKEA! You crazy Swedes and your design sensibility! We like the unb�ring commercials with the smashed cow and the sad lamp. Hee! Sorry, little lampy! Our couch doesn't have a name - it's still Old Brown Velour Comfy Couch - but if it were Ikean it'd probably be V�lpa or something. I think Dan wonders about my strange attachment to things sometimes, but he's the one who refuses to part with his plastic cups and other college ware. To each his own. At least we didn't keep the beer cozies.

the night before - the morning after

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