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me as a powerpuff girl

pallid bat

12.18.02 - 5:33 p.m.

Oh, this is a mite embarrassing. I was just eating this toffee nut thing from See's Candies, and the composition of the candy forced me to chew rather forcefully, and though I was trying to be quiet and ladylike about the whole thing, this kind of...snarfle snort came out of my nose.

I couldn't help it! It was a tough candy to get through! And it's sooooo quiet in our cubicle, with just me and Joy who could pass for a mute sometimes (seriously - when she's on the phone it's just like this murmur, an undercurrent of sound from the other side of the cube). I am a piggy.

Sad news: The bat stamps I have been seeing and coveting on others' letters to the office are no longer up for purchase. Apparently, they were only a Halloween offering from the USPS. So instead of my friends getting random mammals on their Christmas cards, they'll be receiving the traditional (yet also cute) snowmen. But oh, Mr. Pallid Bat. How I wish it was your face garnishing all my Christmas correspondence. As it is, you now greet me from my computer desktop.

Oh well. Must console self with faux-turkey sandwich.

the night before - the morning after

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