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me as a powerpuff girl


05.02.03 - 1:59 p.m.

Everyone thinks I have SARS. My mom does. The woman at the register at Borders does. I don't! I am truly sorry for making SARS jokes with Jess over Easter weekend, for now I know what happens to little girls who mock infectious diseases: they get the Death Allergy.

So, another day off. Been listening to Semisonic and Howie -- Chicago songs. Songs about April and bars off Belmont. Songs about life without real responsibility.

Cough. cough.

I watched the Angel season finale today, thanks to my wonderful wonderful Tiger, who snagged a preview copy from work and spirited it home to his poorly oxygenated girlfriend. It was...interesting. I was hoping for a little more Jasmine resolution, but the return of Lilah was rather welcome. Who knew I'd get such warm fuzzies over seeing her and her wooden acting again?

And I think the scientist guy talking to Fred was the same actor who played Holden, the amusing vampire in "Conversations with Dead People." Waiting to confirm that one. Maybe Joss should give him his own spinoff, as he had more personality than 90 percent of the regular Buffy cast.


And I didn't turn on the cable once. Just the physical TV to watch the videotape.

the night before - the morning after

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