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06.12.03 - 10:32 p.m.

Dear Gregory Peck,
You were hot. I mean, I know you were upstanding and forthright and everything like that, but oh, you were hot. That voice! That smirk! Thank you for making Roman Holiday. The end.

I don't have to work tomorrow. I get to go to Atlanta. I think I discovered a story that plagarized from one of my articles on Nexis tonight. We'll see what happens with that.

Also, Hateful Editor was apparently crying in the office over something today. Feh. At least I go cry in the bathroom, not in front of others. I think I stressed her out even more when I told her I wouldn't be in tomorrow to fix her pointless edits. Hm. Maybe you should have pointlessly edited that story yesterday morning when I gave it to you, instead of waiting till 5 pm today? Maybe? Just a suggestion?


Our ceiling is leaking in the hallway between the bathroom and the bedroom. Since we're going away for the weekend and we have no idea if our landlord will actually show up to look at the problem or not (I'm not even saying fix, I'm not that optimistic), this necessitates moving the dresser with the TV and cable box away from the wall, hiding all the bath towels since last time the landlord tried to use them as rags to fix an overflowing toilet, moving the toothbrushes, pinning up the white shower curtain in case he decides to keep all his fix-it shit in the tub, and of course hide the laptop etc.

Not that he would know the value of anything if he saw it. And I would bet money that he doesn't even show up to look at the ceiling. Part of me wishes something drastic would happen, just to prove what a shitty landlord he is, but the more practical part of me does not want to deal with the chaos that would ensue.

Of course, if we could get out of our lease, maybe so much the better. This is a pointless line of thought.

Do crossword puzzle. Snuggle with Dan. Go to bed. Get on plane.

the night before - the morning after

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