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work zombie

06.20.03 - 6:50 a.m.

Yesterday I woke up at 6 when I didn't have any real work to get done before I actually went to work. I played on the internet for a half hour and then was sad all day that I'd already read up at my favorite websites.

Today I'm up because I'm still trying to get ahead, but I'm not sure how much more I can do. It's to the point where I'm getting up, procrastinating till it's time to take a shower, and then going to work. The thrill is gone.

And I haven't picked up the guitar in a month, and I haven't been to yoga in a month and a half. I am going to pot. If this keeps up, I will be nothing but a work zombie. As it is, I'm pretty much doing some of my pages in my sleep. As I am writing this right now.

James Taylor this weekend -- yes or no? The forecast says, "ha, I will dump on you some more, puny humans, and watch you scatter like ants under the garden hose." My brain says, "It can't possibly rain any more, can it? Maybe it will be ok by Saturday night." Judging from the above paragraphs, we should not be listening to my brain. It can no longer be trusted.

Neither can Barnes & Noble, apparently, because Dan got an email from them yesterday saying that they were shipping his Harry Potter book overnight. As in last night. Meaning it might just show up today, a whole day ahead of schedule. Then again, it might just be hanging out somewhere in the area, waiting for Saturday to roll around. But if he stops by the house this afternoon and there's a small box on the porch, guess what I'm doing tonight?

It won't be work-related, I can assure you of that.

the night before - the morning after

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