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me as a powerpuff girl

unleashing foodie fantasies on my poor mother

06.25.03 - 5:58 p.m.

On tonight's agenda: Legally Blonde 2 screening with Kerry and consumption of a few more chocolate chunk cookies. Nutritious dinner. Want to also consume alcohol, but will have to drive home. And keep a sharp eye on my cash.

Went for a walk with Evil Editrix this afternoon. It was not supposed to be a one-on-one thing, but the insane amounts of work forced everyone else to bail out. So much for blowing off steam. I am trying not to hate. I am trying to look on this as a character-building exercise. The 14-year-old in me is resisting.

But Moom is coming tomorrow for the whole weekend, so who can be sad? I am preparing her a gourmet meal (even though the moomy says, "what kind of money are you spending on me?" I will fool her!) with a menu as follows:
salad with bleu cheese, sugared almonds and either red grapes or Granny Smith apple if the grapes have gone soggy in a walnut oil/balsamic vinaigrette
spicy pepper and onion slaw
Yukon Gold potatoes with bay leaves and garlic roasted in sea salt
dessert TBD

Yes, I nicked the slaw and potatoes out of last months Oprah magazine, but they looked tasty! And a lot easier to make than half the stuff in Martha Stewart Living. Speaking of, has anyone seen her new food mag? Everyday Food or something? I'd like to get my hands on that, but I think it's only published quarterly.

Sigh. I love food. Maybe an espresso granita for dessert?

the night before - the morning after

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