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me as a powerpuff girl

big fat day of nothing

07.22.03 - 5:07 p.m.

After a Monday that was so awful I must paraphrase Jawbox (two trips to the bathroom wasn't what I had in mind when I said I was moving up in this world), here's hoping for a better Tuesday. I even optimistically applied mascara this morning.

Currently my duty is to search for quotes on a certain Latin lover whom I will be seeing on Broadway in a few weeks and his penchant for wining and dining his heavily augmented wifey with candlelight dinners. This is not tear-worthy. So far, so good. I will ignore the fitness stories until the last minute.

No good quotes found. The health book I've been half-assedly searching for has been found, which is both a blessing since I won't have to deal with the PR girl, and a curse, because now I have to actually read it.

Oh, I played bocce this weekend. And won twice. That never happens when I play at home. Acire and I think it's due to the pressure of playing in front of Dad, and how he makes you so nervous when you do anything that you are just destined to fail.

Sigh. Clearly I have nothing to say.

the night before - the morning after

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