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me as a powerpuff girl

lackluster plot twist

09.10.03 - 8:52 p.m.

Went to see a recruiter yesterday. She took one look at my current salary and yelped, "THAT'S all they pay you?" She was adamant about finding me something with better pay. Like, $5-7k better. I would not complain if that happened.

So now I sit at work, waiting for the job with better pay to come along.

Saw Matchstick Men on Monday. Due to the idiocy of the bus schedules and the idiocy of me leaving my car at work, I had to leave an hour and a half into it, right before the big plot twist happened. Kerry says that as people were leaving the screening, they were calling Nic Cage's performance Oscar-worthy. I say it was another of his typical "look, I'm acting! Over here! I'm a man with quirks!" role. And I don't think the plot twist would have redeemed my lackluster feelings about the plot pacing, Cage's overacting and the lack of screen time for Sam Rockwell.

D-Day was in it though. You know, the guy who rides the motorcycle up the stairs and plays a little tune on his windpipe in Animal House? I had no idea that was him in Legally Blonde 2 as well. Puffed up a little since the '70s, hasn't he?

the night before - the morning after

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