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me as a powerpuff girl

coke bottle glasses

09.25.03 - 11:44 a.m.

Um, TV Guide? I don't want to ruin the suspense, but "Friends Love Triangle - Who'll Come Out on Top?" It's probably Ross. Unless Jennifer Aniston decides she wants to play Rachel for another year instead of having that beautiful baby she's been threatening to conceive with Brad. Again, not to completely burst your bubble, but I don't think she's following Joey to his spinoff.

Early this morning, as I tumbled between sleep and work worries, my addled mind wrote an entire entry based on what it thought was a great idea at the time: a parody of the famous St. Elsewhere snow globe ending in which the globe is replaced by one of those pens with a clear top where a little car, or space shuttle, or (in the case of one of my Italian pens) St. Francis of Assisi moves back and forth. What can I say? Bassett and I love our motion pens.

But if someone does find a way to work this into a script, I will expect some monetary compensation for my early-morning subconscious brainstorming. Anything's better than the current job in a workplace where your performance is motivated by fear.

Yesterday was the end of an era in a few ways. Bad way: one of my work confidantes was fired. Which is just another little cherry on top of the work-saga sundae that I deal with every day. Good way: I got rid of my coke-bottle glasses for good. Technology! I can't believe how thin they can make lenses these days.

the night before - the morning after

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