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me as a powerpuff girl

lip biting and whispers

10.23.03 - 11:54 a.m.

Shit. Shit. It's been such a bad week. Fucking Elliott Smith, was that any way to do it? With a knife? I can't even comprehend. And another resume sent futilely into the ether. Le sigh. J'ai encore la grippe. Is that the grammatically correct way to say it? It's been so long. J'ai mal a la gorge, j'ai mal a la tete.

Listening to the continual gripe coming from behind, the two co-workers who share my cubicle, my backs to them and they try to whisper but I can't block out the hiss, hiss of problems with family, sisters, work, weddings, on and on and on. It's not that I feel excluded but there's always an element of paranoia when hearing a continual whispering at your back. If I were getting the boot, all I hope is that they'd let me know.

I don't understand which way is the correct way to separate eggs. Nigella Lawson says to do it with your hands. Todd English says NEVER to do it with your hands - use the two halves of the shell. I prefer the Nigella way, since I tend to snag my yolks on the shell, but who is right?

And I can't stop biting my fucking lip.

the night before - the morning after

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