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holiday blah

12.02.03 - 11:39 a.m.

Sigh. Not much to say about Thanksgiving. There was turkey, and two kinds of potatoes, and Moomy's cheesecake and compote (pronounced by Moom as com-POTE), and we beat the Dan fam at Trivial Pursuit. Winning on two sports questions, no less.

I just feel really guilty bitching about Moomy, as she drives me absolutely nuts while she's here, but then she leaves and I miss her and I realize we had a really good time together. And I introduced her to Monsieurs Rosenquist and Currin (at the Guggenheim and Whitney, respectively), which I think she really enjoyed. That little learnin' Moom.

Now it is December and there are cards and presents to be purchased, cookies to be baked, decisions to be made over what to give the office acquaintances. Cards would be the most logical option. Why spend money on stupid trinkets that these people don't want or need anyway? It's nothing but a political gesture, in the end, and until my salary is such that I actually have workers UNDER me instead of being the underling myself, it just doesn't make sense.

Part of me wants to give up on the whole holiday card fiesta altogether, but I know that cards will start arriving in the mail and I'll feel awful about ignoring them, so what can I do? Send postcards out that say, "Due to the pointlessness of it all, I am halting Christmas card mailings across the board this year. It's not because you're not my friend. Believe me. Love, Casey"?

No, that wouldn't work at all. Plus, I suppose I should keep the post office running with all the stamp-buying and whatnot. And since I don't keep in touch with anyone as it is, my list is drastically reduced from previous years.

I think I may be coming down with a cold. I'm not sure I'm going to fight it.

the night before - the morning after

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