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me as a powerpuff girl

the weather outside is frightful

12.05.03 - 4:04 p.m.

What is this? Does the calendar flip to December and suddenly the powers that be are like, "Shit, man! We gots to turn on the snow machine! Those fools didn't have NEARLY enough bad weather in November!"

Now Dan is on his way home, where he will call me and tell me whether or not I should be panicking as much as I am as I watch cars barely moving on the (typically not-very-well-plowed) hill/road in front of our office. Damn you, winter. I read recently that car accidents are the second most frequent cause of PTSD in women. I'd say that rings pretty damn true.

I foresee in my weekend future the drinking of much wine, the eating of grilled cheese or other various cheese byproducts, and perhaps the purchase of the tannenbaum on Sunday if it is safe to leave the house. Maybe we will watch The Royal Tenenbaums while decorating said fir tree. Hee!

Maybe also this weekend I will finish l'homage a Gerald Murphy (or "Red and Lime," as I've titled it) by painting in the pesky wine label. Thus inspired, I will work myself into a creative frenzy and whip out 40 handmade holiday cards. Or not. I did draw myself a little stylized Christmas ball/ornament/thingy instead of writing a sidebar this afternoon, but it remains to be seen how I can mass-produce the thing in our printmaking studio-deprived apartment. Anyone have a metal plate, some acid and a printing press I can borrow?

the night before - the morning after

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