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me as a powerpuff girl

cutting it off

08.09.05 - 9:59 p.m.

It's been a bad week, healthy food-wise. Two lobster rolls in three days is probably not a schedule one wants to get on, but thankfully I can't afford to eat many more. ANY more. For at least a month. Damn you, Pearl Oyster Bar and your succulent offerings!

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I cut off all contact between myself and my parents. For good. Just didn't return calls, didn't respond to emails... what would they do? Would they drive up here and try to find me? Would they put out an APB? Would they harass Dan and Bass until someone finally told them that I was Not Speaking With Them any longer? Most likely all of the above.

Financially, I'm pretty solvent on my own. As soon as I get m-a-r-r-i-e-d, Dan and I can split a cell plan and then I'm just left with Dad's greedy hands on a credit card in MY NAME (!) and MY NAME on some strange faux construction company. The first I can probably deal with fairly easily, the second may involve some wrangling with the fact that I am doing my own taxes this year. How does one secretly take their name off the roster of a fake company?

After that, I'm not saying I'll never speak to my father again, but I will be free. Financially free from him, which is something I've been waiting to do for a decade and a half. It will be sweet victory.

the night before - the morning after

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