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me as a powerpuff girl

the most commanding day of the year

03.05.01 - 12:15am

Sigh. My birthday is now officially over. It was fun while it lasted. Well, to be honest, today didn't even feel like the real deal since I spent so much of it recovering from the Saturday night celebrations. At least now I can say the words "sangria" and "martinis" without feeling violently ill. oh God.

Apparently Jason called me at 3 am and we had a conversation. Hmmm, I don't really remember that AT ALL. Wonder what I said? He says it was something along the lines of, "It's ok, it's ok. I threw up, but it's ok. If you were here we could go to Pauline's in the morning. It's ok." How odd is it that I was thinking of BREAKFAST FOOD while I was passed out? Someone should really clamp my mouth shut so I don't speak gibberish. At least I didn't start professing my love or something equally embarrassing, but he may be keeping that from me. oh God.

But I got the shirt I really wanted from Urban Outfitters! It rocks, it's a blue Paul Frank tank (hee) with orange (yay!) lightning bolts on it and says, "This is where 'lectricity comes from." Rah! 'Lectricity comes from ME! And my moom sent me a giant NSync card but I may have mentioned that earlier. It comes up past my knees, and although I am a small girl, that's still pretty big. Eh? Still waiting on my one and only wonderful sister's present though. I know you're in Italy and all, Bass, but that's really no excuse. JK.

You know that quote that I ended my last entry with? (oooh, never end a sentence a preposition with.) I was letting Jason look through THE BOOK and he read that quote and mentioned how much he liked it. Yeah! He is my telepathic twin. I like him so. oh God.

the night before - the morning after

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