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me as a powerpuff girl

blah blah queer eye blah blah

08.20.03 - 6:00 p.m.

One more thought on Queer Eye and then I'm done, I swear. It's so cute when Dan and I watch and he emits these little happy gasps of recognition when the guys walk into, say, ABC Carpet and Home.

I think Dan gets a little nervous when we watch, though. He asks things like, "Do I need to grow up?" and starts to worry about whether I might force him to wax his back or something equally horrific. (For the record, sweetie, NO. You are fine on the hair front.) If anything, it should make him feel better about himself, because he knows a lot of the things of which the Fab Five speak, and he does a lot of those things on his own. He'd never make it as a candidate.

Tonight, I make cupcakes!

Amanda's quote for the day (after ordering a Ben and Jerry's milkshake with skim milk): "Gotta keep the fat content under 80 grams."

the night before - the morning after

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