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me as a powerpuff girl

i've lost my Mojo!

09.28.00 - 9 pm

I always wondered what supervillains did with all the money and jewels they stole from upstanding citizens, and FINALLY it was all explained to me on Powerpuff Girls tonight! Yeah, yeah, they always say they want to rule the world, but so does Dexter and he's one of the good guys. But Mojo Jojo got to work it like a super-politico pimp tonight, using the aforementioned money, jewels and a cootie-fied kid to open Mojo ManageMint and to stage a coup d'etat on the Mayor of Townsville. So THAT'S where you start with world domination! Then he became a Godfather figure (come to think of it, Marlon Brando isn't too far away from a monkey, especially after that Island of Dr. Moreau thing), setting himself up with the mob and whatnot. Of course, the Powerpuff Girls opened a can of whoop-ass on him in the end, but it was an illuminating look into the world of supervillian domination.

the night before - the morning after

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