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me as a powerpuff girl

southern cross

09.24.00 - 12:50 am

Dear Phil,

Have you seen Almost Famous yet? I just came home from the movies and for some reason, it made me think of you...maybe it was the 1970s, maybe it was some of the music...I just had this feeling you would love it and I wanted to share it with you. Plus, Philip Seymour Hoffman is in it.

I really miss you. It hardly matters, since you either never knew or don't care, but I feel like there was something that was supposed to happen and you're too stupid to act on it. There's something in you that wants to come out, I want to be the one to pull it out of you, I need you to get out of that town and be with me. But I've tried, and you would rather circle around your dead end than see what else you could -- CAN -- do. How does the song go? "Somebody fine will come along make me forget about loving you." And you know it will.

Love, Case

the night before - the morning after

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