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me as a powerpuff girl

i hate kites

10.03.00 - 6:40 pm

Aarrghhh. Aarrrggghhh. I hate writing feature stories about stupid kite festivals and I know I have enough words already, why do I actually have to put it into real sentences instead of dumb notes? And of course I couldn't have started it last night, I had to loll around and play on the internet and...what else did I do? Nothing of importance, that's for sure. And I just ate a whole bag of jalapeno potato chips, and Buffy is on in 20 minutes. Crazy central time, they make all the good shows be on at 7 instead of 8. Aarrrghhh.

Next entry: the continuing presence of the "cool people," even in grad school.

the night before - the morning after

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