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me as a powerpuff girl

lunch break

10.11.00 - 1:25pm

Almost time to get back to class...really wish I could just take a nap instead. Already I find myself wanting to slack off, not go to the gym, sit by the lake since it is actually 70 degrees out today, woo hoo! I am wearing orange flip flops! But I must persevere (a word John Bennett can't spell) and be a good journalist. Things aren't as hard as they seemed to be at first. I think I'm writing well, maybe I'm just not taking it as seriously as I should be. Even the city council stuff wasn't so bad - it's only organization of the facts, like putting your note cards in order to write a research paper.

It's hard to believe that I'm actually happy living here, if feels like it's been so long since I've been content with my situation - like the end of school, living in J-town etc. It feels good for once, I forgot what that was like. OK, gotta go write.

the night before - the morning after

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