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me as a powerpuff girl

till breakfast do us part

12.14.00 - 10:30pm


OK, so I was thinking about Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, of all people, (even though I do watch TRL on a semi-regular basis because I am a nrrd and a loser) and thinking how stupid it is to say "I'm going to save myself (as a perfectly preserved virgin, that is, like a relic or something) for my husband." Well, maybe that's great if you are planning your big white frilly tulle wedding day with layers of cake and vaulted ceilings and a band that plays the CHICKEN DANCE, but what if that's just probably not in the works for some people? Like, say, me? At this point I doubt I'll ever get married, not because I have a hideously difficult time keeping a guy to date for 2 weeks, let alone 2 months or years, but because I'm still not so sure I believe in that institution. Dad the playa and the whole fucked-up divorce childhood/abandonment issues and all. it wrong for me to sleep with people even if I know I'm not going to marry them? I don't think I've had sex with an incredibly large number of men, considering the times we live in. And I don't really regret any of, well, maybe one, OK, Randy sucked, all right, can we just call that one the get out of jail free card?? I don't even think I've scarred myself emotionally or physically by the experiences I've had. I just don't think it's right to say that a woman should have to reserve herself when her marital future is uncertain at best - and there's no guarantee once you've got that ring on your finger either that things are going to be happy ever after.

And should I ever be seen in the infamous white gown, no one is doing the chicken dance at MY wedding.

the night before - the morning after

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