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me as a powerpuff girl

oh arrghh i am insane

12.12.00 - 11.27pm (eastern time for once!)

I have a problem. I just want to kiss people, all the time. It's not even really a question of sex, it's just I want the closeness and fun and pulling someone close to me and just smooching them all over the place. I love to kiss people! I used to kiss them every weekend. I want to kiss Blaine, I REALLY want to kiss Blaine, I so want to kiss someone. Rough cheek against mine, warm breathing buried in his hair and close on the would be really nice, wouldn't it? Alas.

I always cry about John Lennon, for the obvious reasons of loss and whatnot, but I can't help crying every time I watch something on any/all of the Beatles. (Except maybe solo Ringo stuff.) Like Paul McCartney, presenting the fashion award to Stella. It was touching! Tears all over my face! And why? Because he was a Beatle. Because he wrote songs that made people happy.

the night before - the morning after

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