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me as a powerpuff girl

jobs are for people who work

03.08.01 - 9:01pm

Ah, whee, what a nonproductive day this has been. Woke up at 11, the latest all week (yes! I have actually been working, and not in an alternate universe or anything), went shopping for sunglasses and a nice sleek travel bathroom bag from Eddie Bauer so I don't have to lug around the embarrassing Victoria's Secret hot pink heart one anymore, ate at Wendy's (Spicy Chicken, my man) and came home to burn CDs and watch SURVIVOR. Oooh, my addiction grows. I can't believe I made fun of Beth for watching last summer. It is so unintentionally funny, yet riveting. Jeff was everyone's projected favorite, I wonder how many polls that's going to screw up. Wow.

I just love when I don't have to do anything all day. I know that Howie hates it - "I hate those days where you wake up and you just kind of waste the whole day watching TV and stuff and then you go to bed and you�re like, I just wasted a whole day of my life doing absolutely nothing constructive," he says. BUT I LOVE IT.

Former "The State" cast member update: Ken Marino is on First Years, the new show about lawyers! I don't know whether it's on CBS or NBC because in my Survivor/Will & Grace Thursday night coma, it all blends together. Maybe it's on CBN. Yes, that makes sense. I hope this is good for him, but nothing can compare to Michael Ian Black on Ed. Did anyone see him washing the bowling alley windows so lustily last night?

Tomorrow night is Weezer! I completely forgot! I wonder if I can scalp some tickets or something. Or maybe I will just go to bed. And then DMB tickets at 9am Saturday, rock on. Ah, music. It really does make the people come together, does it not?

Oh oh oh, and I forgot one of the best parts of the day. I finally ate caramel corn from Garrett's popcorn shop on Michigan Ave.! It smells so good every time I walk past, but there's always a line halfway down the block for it. EXCEPT FOR TODAY. There were only 2 other people in the store so Jason and I walked right in! And yes, it was delicious. I think it's cause they coat it in butter.

OK, now I can go listen to Moon Safari.

the night before - the morning after

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