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me as a powerpuff girl

miss congeniality

03.13.01 - 7:55am

I wasn�t a cheerleader in high school. I never made prom queen or homecoming queen or even nicest smile in the yearbook. I did get most unique, though, and a few substantial and funny roles in the musical.

I still can�t afford any nicer clothes than Banana Republic, and even those aren�t full price. I drive a Tracer, not a Grand Cherokee, and I lost my one and only pair of Armani sunglasses in an Ohio Turnpike rest stop parking lot this winter.

I am a thankless grad student, living in an 11x13 room in a scary dorm populated by people who don�t speak English and glare at me in the elevators.

No wonder I have inferiority issues, when the Asian grandmas in the building don�t even like me.

the night before - the morning after

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