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me as a powerpuff girl

i remember when i found out about chemistry

04.06.01 - 12:03 a.m.

Whee! For the first night in two weeks, I am actually not tired at 10pm. Look at me, it's midnight and I still have enough energy to write a diary entry. I have a feeling this is not to last.

Missed the BS2000 show tonight because I had to do stupid phone interview for stupid market research. Not that I had anyone to go with anyway. Not that I have any semblance of a real life. My greatest excitements are getting the new issues of Jane and Spin. And being semi-disgusted that Courtney Love is naked on the cover. (Ha! Guess which magazine!)

Women I've been compared to (physical resemblance only, as far as I'm aware):

1. Phoebe Cates

2. Demi Moore

3. Sally Field

4. Helena Bonham Carter

5. Kathy Ireland

How is it humanly possible to look like all of these people at once? I'm sorry, but no. I don't think I look like any of them. At least no one has said Courtney Love.

the night before - the morning after

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