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me as a powerpuff girl

hello, sunshine!

04.07.01 - 9:22 p.m.

Oh, blar. Even though I feel I have nothing interesting to contribute, the gods of diaryland guilt are forcing me to update today. (That, and Bassie saying, "oh, just write something silly like I do.") So...I suppose the best thing that's happened, apart from FINALLY getting to see Jason last night, was the weather being 76 degrees today! YES!!!! How is this possible? I wore a wifebeater and flipflops. And was not cold in the least. Natalie and I decided to celebrate the day by walking around the outdoor mall - yes, you heard me. An outdoor mall, a la outlet malls, but way more swank. Now, you may ask, why would the good people of Chicago make the mall OUTDOORS when it gets SO FRICKIN COLD half the year? Don't ask me. Ask the same person who decided to put their subway ABOVEGROUND.

Anyway, we mallratted for a while and then I had the brilliant ideas to make margaritas. So we did. All damn afternoon instead of going and teaching myself Freehand like a good little nerd. Oh well. Who knows when we'll see a temperature of 76 again?

Hello, Zesty? Hold on...ZESTY!!!!!

And Bassie also wants me to tell this story. My old art gallery boss, Stuart (pronounced STEEEUUUUUWWWWARRRRRT, also rolling the Rs), knows of this place in Chinatown, NYC, where there is a chicken that will play you in tic-tac-toe. And Stuart had the good fortune to meet John Cusack in a bar one night, and took him to meet the aforementioned chicken. And apparently this chicken is GOOD at tic-tac-toe, and whooped John's ass. And that is why every time Bassett thinks of John Cusack, she thinks "chicken" for some reason.

Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.

the night before - the morning after

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