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me as a powerpuff girl

alcohol units: 4

04.13.01 - 11:31 p.m.

Hurrah! Just returned from the film premiere of Bridget Jones' Diary (refuse to comform to fuckwit Americanized spelling). v.v. good and dead-on Bridge, although nothing can compare to the splendour of the book. Rather impressed by clever use of cheesy karaoke classic "All By Myself" during Bridget epiphany, especially when compared to Cher's similar moment of truth in Clueless. Brilliant!

Errrghh, but also have returned from dinner with padre after the movie and thus have endured guilt-full and annoying day of trying to please father. Unpleasant in many ways, especially unintentional but instinctive crying episode in second floor bathroom around lunchtime. Must stop. Not be thrown off by Padre's laser beam guilt stare and terrorist voicings but remain cool and unaffected like grown-up ice queen daughter.

Though (and on completely different subject) am somewhat confused by sister's inclusion of Heart's "Barracuda" on latest mix tape. Too much inspiration from car commercials or watching Las Vegas trailer makeout scene in Swingers one too many times?

Ah. Must sleep off nearly drunk feeling and wake up at 9 for more soul-sucking calls for soddy-ass survey. Bugger.

the night before - the morning after

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