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me as a powerpuff girl

quiet, quiet

04.09.01 - 9:50 p.m.

Ah. Yesterday I made a new t-shirt with a picture of Jared Leto wearing a bad mullet on it. It is beautiful. Almost as good as a Mantoy. Thank God for that cool t-shirt making glue.

If you were a career/money/life magazine for women aged 25-34, would you want to be named Work+Play, Polished, Penny or Sense? Talk amongst yourselves, cause I'm sick of discussing it. All I want to do is make cool color palettes all day and listen to Tiny Dancer nonstop.

"You are my intoxicating wish - so much more to live for than my fish." - Superdrag

the night before - the morning after

Copyright � 2000-2004 Brkfstfnys

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