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me as a powerpuff girl

so i'd love to believe there'd be one of us for everyone

04.20.01 - 5:36 p.m.

It was a weird morning. For the first time, everything felt green and sunny, as if spring really were finally here and it wasn�t just a freak accident. I wasn�t tired because I didn�t dream in computer screens and Quark boxes the night before. There were many disgusting earthworms on the sidewalk, but I tried to ignore that. And as I walked down the street past the apartments and sorority houses, I saw a family of mallard ducks on the lawn. Maybe they wanted to eat the worms.

Then I came to school and found out we have to pay for all the pictures we use from the stock houses in our magazine, which is so not a part of the budget and which we didn�t have to do until last year. Damn. So I ignored everyone and stuffed 1000 circ test mailers and found the name of someone I know from Bucknell on the distribution list we bought from J.Crew. I had a feeling there would be someone I knew on the list, but to see her name was just so odd. Especially since her name is Casey too, and we used to be friends until I started dating her ex-boyfriend (from freshman year!) and apparently that was uncool. Oh well, I�m 60% slut anyway.

But in two hours I�m going to the Semisonic concert. Ah, sweet release. And it will rock like a motherfucker and I�m wearing my super punk beaded shiny bracelet cuff so I know I�m a superhero and all the world will be all right. It�s Friday evening. I feel good.

the night before - the morning after

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