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me as a powerpuff girl

we kiss a lot

04.21.01 - 10:02 a.m.

Sitting here in my room eating large hunks of cheese and bread for breakfast at 10am. Why oh why am I up at this hour eating cheese and bread? This is like the only day in the world when I can sleep in. And I even went out and got a little tipsy last night at the uber-rockin Semisonic show so WHY AM I AWAKE?

Anyway. I will clean the room today. I will I will I will. Because the boy is coming over tonight and we might try to get some David Gray tix although I have no money for this venture and I always punk out on those things at the last minute. It seemed like a really good idea at the time (midnight, around the time of my fourth bottle of cider).

Paranoia update, inspired by some other diary I read but now I can�t remember which:

"Oh, are you guys dating now?" I asked, examining myself for traces of jealousy and finding, honestly, none.

"I don't know, where do you want to draw the line?" Jeff said. "We kiss a lot."

Is this how guys think? Where do you draw the line? Between kissing and dating? When do you become a full-on girlfriend? I think it�s different for girls, but at this point I�m so hesitant to label anything for fear of being rejected the next day. Damn damn damn.

the night before - the morning after

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