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05.06.01 - 4:41 p.m.

Hooray! It�s time for Quotes that No One Will Understand (unless they live in the ninth circle of Hell, a.k.a. the Magazine Publishing Project, with me):

First up � Natalie�s progress report that is sent to the student and faculty listserv every Friday.

Progress Report � Week 6


Well, the media kit is done! Yippee! We learned important lessons about colors and bleeds and met Dennis the mediagraphics Menace.

We have been sent back to the drawing board to get new colors, which will be finalized on Monday.

We�ve been calling people in the industry to get info for our data sheets.

We�ve been working with editorial to come up with a schedule to close departments � the first one is done on Monday!

John Halloran took photos for us � condos, credit cards, etc.

We made a vision statement. Casey rocks the hizzouse.

Casey traded in robospace babe for Buffy graduation as her desktop wallpaper.

We got our printer recalibrated and the stylus rip installed.

Darryl the Superstock man has a monotone voice even though he�s really nice. He�s nice, but he wants us to give him $100 for an inside photo, so he�s not that nice. Back to clip art and John.

We made the invitation, which will be sent to the printer on Monday.

We did the text for the mug.

�Natalie et al

Second, Shawn�s un-PC quote about our missing editorial advisor. He is a "card-carrying socialist."

"We�re going to have to put out an all-points bulletin for a big sassy woman."

� Shawn

The only reason I'm filling this space with other people's words is because I absolutely cannot bring myself to describe what's going on in the rest of my life right now. If I ignore it, it will go away.

the night before - the morning after

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