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me as a powerpuff girl

we all shine on

05.03.01 - 8:49 a.m.

Karma keeps whacking me over the head, and in none too subtle metaphors either. I'm cruising home from Jason's house this morning on Lake Shore Drive (that's LSD to you counterculture folk) and I get a flat tire. Out of completely nowhere, I'm speeding along fine, then suddenly, POP!, and it's gone.

Hmmmm. Now what real-life event does that most resemble?

OK, but enough of my melodrama, let's get to the good part of the story. Yes! There is something amusing to be taken from this ordeal. I pulled over right next to a construction site on Diversey, and the construction workers were more than happy to help out a cute gal like me with changing the tire. Thank God. I could have done it, I do know how, but how much nicer to have a big burly guy do it for you? Sometimes being a woman ain't so bad after all.

Now I need a $98 tire that no one in Evanston has.

the night before - the morning after

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