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me as a powerpuff girl

new version of you.

05.10.01 - 11:47 p.m.

Can you become

Can you become

A new version of you?

Oh. So tired. Almost wasn't going to update tonight, but some vague sense of responsibility surfaced in me. Hmmmm. Funny how I never get this feeling about the actual WORK I have to do.

New wallpaper

New shoe leather

A new way home

I don't remember

Things are better. I randomly gave some waiter my number at lunch on Tuesday, mainly because I was frustrated and felt stagnant and had the need to do something, anything spontaneous to make me feel alive. So I did that. He called last night. Yeah, he's 20. We're supposedly doing something Saturday. I don't know why I would have him pick what to do only I never expected him to call because who calls a random girl who just walked up and gave you her phone number? Apparently we won't be going to a bar, though.

New version of you

I need a new version of me

There's always that point when you're dreaming and something so patently absurd happens (i.e., the heart-shaped hole appearing in my contact lens the other night) that makes you realize it's a dream, yet you don't wake up. Sometimes I feel like my real life is like that.

Felicity theme song. Season 3. My obsession.

New version of you

I need a new version of me

the night before - the morning after

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