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me as a powerpuff girl

life, the universe and everything

05.15.01 - 5:47 p.m.

I just had a conversation with Court - yes, Court, number two on the all-time top five most memorable break up list. He emailed me because he heard Ben Folds Five on the radio today. It was odd to be talking like adults about our families � no more Sheesley! Karen is living on a houseboat in Myrtle Beach! � but I need to start getting rid of all this bad karma I�ve accumulated. I let go of my grudge on him a long time ago. I�m trying not to hate.

I�m trying really hard to have a good day. It was New Music Tuesday, the day I�ve been waiting for for oh so long. New R.E.M., new Weezer. I hauled ass over to Best Buy � I know I should be supporting the small stores, but I�m lazy. And they were cheap, $11.99 each. YEAH! Michael says, "You�re gonna be a star." Rivers says, "Gonna rock and dance." I know, I know.

I also love it when you get into the shower after you�ve been out at the beach, and all the smells of sweat and sunscreen and sand just come rolling off you, and the shampoo smells so good, and so fresh and so clean, clean, and you really know you�re on vacation. Or you can close your eyes and pretend.

I�m really trying to have a good day. I have so much on my mind. Felicity was renewed for another season, which makes me happy beyond words. I spent much time on the phone with completely incompetent Office Depot employees just to get one ream of 11x17 color printer paper. WHY? WHY? The terrorist father is leaving voice mail messages about dinner reservations for graduation, which I can�t bring myself to think about, and which makes me squirm with fear. I can�t juggle my family, it�s just no good.

There was a little obit for Ginny in this week�s Newsweek, right underneath the one for Douglas Adams. So long, and thanks for all the fish, indeed.

the night before - the morning after

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