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me as a powerpuff girl

watching Bands on the Run yet again

05.29.01 - 9:15 p.m.

I can�t decide. Was today a good Tuesday or a bad Tuesday? Truth be told, I didn�t even realize what day it was for a while, because the TV season is over for the summer and my VCR has nothing to do at night. Without Buffy, I�m nothing.

It started off rather well � I finally, FINALLY got that plane ticket mess-up taken care of, and even though I charged the ticket to the Visa that no longer exists, wonderful beautiful USAir is giving me a $218 credit! Big TRL teenager "Woooooo!" for that one! (which is actually what I said when I hung up the phone, I think.) So now I have a plane ticket, or part of one, to somewhere, anywhere, so I may get some vacation after all.

Then I went to school, and while I was dropping the mini-prototype off at Dennis the Mediagraphics Menace�s printers, my computer decided to freeze and die. I returned to monitors and general computer part explosion all over my area. (Not cubicle, more like glorified card table.) Apparently my computer has a bad motherboard. Bad, naughty motherboard! Bad motherfuckin� motherboard! And fear struck my heart, because instead of saving things to the server, we keep all the huge picture files on our desktops.

But�.ah, everything was ok, the computer fixer guy with plumber crack brought me a replacement, like a rental car, while my evil death computer of doom goes to the ER. Nothing was lost � the only thing I can really bitch about is that they took away my really nice optical mouse and gave me a normal puke-beige one like all the other peons.

And when I left school, I saw a mallard duck crossing Sheridan Road and a red convertible cruising along with a big old-time striped surfboard in it, and there was no ticket on my car that was parked for four hours in the three-hour zone. I was in the elevator and kept thinking to myself, "Sito, sito," because that�s the name of the elevator manufacturer backwards.

The parade of shoes is slowly marching out of my closet. I think there are five pairs across my floor now. With those, the tupperware of popcorn, clothes hangers, pants, plastic Hawaiian lei, bags, umbrella, papers and books I want to sell back, it�s a wonder I haven�t killed myself on something yet. Or drowned under this mess.

the night before - the morning after

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