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me as a powerpuff girl

the greatest thing since bread came sliced

06.01.01 - 9:37 p.m.

One can of green beans + leftover chicken + gemelli + parmesan cheese = a strangely satisfying meal. And it involves all four food groups. The things you come up with when you�re trying to eat all the food in your house.

I really can cook, you know. Or rather, I could, given the environment and the inclination. I made a fabulous key lime pie once. Stiffened the egg whites and everything. Hell, I can barely put together a coherent sentence at this point. Closed 20 pages in seven days. I can�t believe it. It took us two weeks to close all the departments. I have no idea how this book came together, or how it looks as good as it does, whether it was due to my brilliant leadership (ha, "without your brilliant leadership" � Nightmare Before Christmas) or some miracle from above, or below, or whatever. It looks really damn good though, it does. I am proud.

Hmmmm. Maybe working twelve hour days for the past two weeks had something to do with it.

I was supposed to go drinking with friends (what? Yes, I have them) to celebrate the last real week of the project, but I came home to drop off my bag and it was all over. I saw the pj pants and couldn�t go back. Maybe people who are out having fun will call me and say, "see what you�re missing?" And I�ll reply, "No, for I have my Powerpuff bedsheets to keep me company." And they�ll say, "Damn."

Presentation practice tomorrow. For six more hours, at least. I feel like I�m back in the musical again, when you spent hours and hours in the auditorium and time was irrelevant, and you subsisted on Wendy�s and DQ and, if you were lucky to get a long enough dinner break, Denny�s. And it was absolute hell but looking back, those are some of my best high school memories.

I have to memorize my script. "Our clean design reflects the confident, sophisticated style of the reader and the energy of our editorial. With our fresh design strategy, white space and four-pica margins air out the page. Simple, active photos differentiate us from the clutter of other women�s magazines." See? Did you notice how I tried to put "so fresh and so clean, clean" in the speech? DESIGN INSIDE JOKE! I could go on. I�m so good at memorization.

No, I�m fucking going to bed.

the night before - the morning after

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