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me as a powerpuff girl

head! pants! now!

06.05.01 - 10:52 p.m.

Things are happening, I guess, but they�ve been lost in the need to sleep and escape the room for the last week. Talked to Court � driving home from an Oasis/Black Crowes concert with Dom. Is this becoming a regular occurrence? I can�t believe I gave him a way to contact me, I�ve hated and feared him for so long, it�s hard for me to think he might be calling me out of real friendship. Or maybe he was just thinking of the Oasis show we saw together�it�s also hard for me to think he has any memories of us left, or any good ones, at least.

Blisters are appearing all over my feet. One more presentation.

Got my cash transfusion today and promptly started spending again. It was so good to eat a real meal � ok, so it was just a sandwich and salad from Panera, but I can�t recall the last time I ate anything green. I promise, I swear, this time I�m going to start writing down everything I spend, keep a record, maybe not exactly balance the checkbook, but do a better job. I realize this is the fiftieth time I�ve made this promise but I�m going to stick to it. I�m 23. It�s gone too far. "Mr. Fitzsimmons, powder room, fifty dollars. Less eighteen dollars, repair one black satin dress, cat food twenty-seven cents."

So. Thus far, $65 at Borders for father�s day/thank you gifts. And nothing even for me, just my lunch.

the night before - the morning after

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