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me as a powerpuff girl

truth, beauty, freedom, love

06.03.01 - 12:30 a.m.

Um. I feel a little sick. The Laughing cow Magic 8 ball says, "Mooove ahead," but I�m having trouble typing in the correct letters and punctuation here. I wish I could just let my inhibitions go and write however my fingers put it � it would be much funnier, alas, I am too anal retentive (and obsessed with spell check ) for that to happen.

Anyway. I have this horrible sneer on my face from concentrating too hard on typing, I am concentrating really hard, and I went to see Moulin Rouge tonight. Woo. It was a spectacular Spectacular, and I shed a few tears, and it was a little bit Breakfast and a little bit Rent, and not a little bit Donny Osmond (feh) and there was an interesting use of Nirvana, and when they sang "diamonds are a girl�s best friend," all I could think about was our Women Are Buying Diamonds for Themselves article.

And I have always wanted a boy to sing Elton�s "Your Song" for me. But not from on top of a fake elephant that I�m living in. yeah.

Uhhh, my head is hitting the keyboard.

the night before - the morning after

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